Stronger Twogether


The challenge

The World’s Toughest Row

 Atlantic 2025

In 1966, Sir Chay Blyth and John Ridgeway performed their legendary open-boat row across the Atlantic Ocean in English Rose III. The trip took 92 days and it laid the foundation for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. Since 1997 this ocean rowing race has attracted the brave and courageous to pit themselves against the elements and race the 3000 miles from San Sebastian Harbour, La Gomera, Canary Islands, to English Harbour, Antigua. It is rightly considered to be one of the toughest challenges on the planet. It is said that more people have been into space than have rowed the Atlantic Ocean!

On December 12th 2025 Stronger Twogether will compete with up to 40 teams participating from around the world. They will have to cope with blisters, salt rashes, sleep deprivation and rowing in two-hour shifts around the clock for weeks on end, facing all the raw elements of the Atlantic Ocean. The Stronger Twogether boat is likely to be just seven meters long and under two meters wide, with only a small cabin for protection against storms. All boats are equipped at the race start, and cannot take help, food or water and can only be repaired by the crew themselves during the crossing. All boats are professionally and reliably built to last.

Stronger Twogether's Aim

To inspire more women, men and children to push their boundaries, step out their comfort zones and DREAM and ACHIEVE BIG things.

To break the mixed pair record set in 2019 by 'The Seablings' of 43 days 15 hours 22 minutes

To have a safe and enjoyable crossing and to make the most of every moment this opportunity offers.

To raise significant amounts of money for our charities.

Canaries to the carribean

3000 miles

What lies ahead...

Sleep Deprivation and Exhaustion: Row 24/7 non stop in an unforgiving shift pattern consisting of 2 hours on, 2 hours off for 3000 miles including rowing in complete darkness. Imagine being blindfolded on a roller coaster and have buckets of water chucked at you.

Isolation: We will receive no outside help. In an emergency a rescue can be days away. Even then the safety yacht could end up doing 9000 miles with you on it. Or you could end up in South Africa, China or Canada if you are rescued by a ship.

Extreme Weather Conditions: 20-30ft waves, storms, extreme heat with no shade. Even though we row out of hurricane season they can still occur and tropical cyclones are more common.

Vulnerability: Whales, sharks, marlin strikes in 2020 holed 3 boats out the fleet of 36 and damaged a 4th. Shipping lanes, collision course for vessels 30 x the size of our rowing boat.

Health Issues: Salt sores, Blisters/Infections, Heat Stroke, Muscle Damage and calf wastage, Claw hand, Severe seasickness and weight loss, Bruising and knocks from oars and waves.

Nutrition: All food will need to be taken with us to complete and unassisted row. Dry meal packs will need to be rehydrated correctly with fresh water. Water is made by pumping sea water through special filters using reverse osmosis. A Schenker Zen will make 30 liters of water a hour, a nifty but expensive bit of kit. Taking enough calories through a combination of dry meal, wet rations and snack packs will aid energy, nutrition and moral.

Maintenance: Any oar, equipment, boat damage or malfunction will have to be solved by the crew at sea. Sometimes the safety officer will work long hours like the NASA scientists to find solutions to problems with only the equipment, tools and supplies they have on board.


"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."

– Ryunosuke Satoro